Monday 23 May 2016

How To Take The Perfect Selfie

"How to take perfect selfies"

By Bella

Hello Bloggers! How are you all doing? I hope you are all smiling and happy!

Today we are talking about taking that perfect selfie. You know, the one you want to post all over Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, show to all your friends and make it your profile picture. Of course, to get that one picture, you have to take about 37 other pictures that you like to pretend never happened. Don't deny it, we have all done it!

But are you making the picture look as perfect as it can get? Here are some tips and things that I do to get my pictures just right!

Don't have great lighting? Use a window, and face it with your camera facing you. The natural lighting makes you look great and skin look #flawless.

Never have the camera facing you straight on and angle your head, even a little makes a big difference! If the camera and you are face to face straight on, it can make you look a little chubby, and awkward. DON'T take a picture with your camera below your chin. It will give you a double chin and make you look tired. Keep chin up in pictures to show off your face and tilt the camera a little downwards, with it lifted at a high angle.And sit up straight!

Don't always use the filters if you use them! Change it up every once in a while, and make sure that the filters you use don't make you look fuzzy and washed out. Keep it clear and bright!

Don't be afraid to have props! But don't forget to show off your face. Have the object beside/below your face or behind you in the background and pull a Dan Howell and point at it. You don't want your prop to over power in the photo

Unless you're showing off your super cute outfit, or can't find another way to take the shot, DON'T USE MIRRORS! Mirrors tend to blur your photo and reflect light a lot, making your picture turn out badly.

Don't just smile with your mouth, smile with your whole self! Widen your eyes to make them bright and happy-looking, open up your face by keeping hair out of your face and look confident. Your beautiful, and let it show in your picture!

Dress To Impress
Don't dress sloppy, always dress in clothes that are cute and comfortable! make sure that your outfits suit your body, not too tight, not too baggy but just right! This will help you look great and will boost up your mood and self-esteem, and it will show in your pictures and when you're out and about.

I hoped this helped you with how to take better pictures, and share your own tips on how to take that perfection of a picture in the comments. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch my videos! I love you all so much, and I will see NEXT time!

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